It was a great thrill to be invited to represent Australia and the Canberra Spiritualist Association at a service of healing online with the World Congress of Spiritualists. It was heart lifting to listen to many from around the world and to share in prayer our hopes.
We were each asked to provide a prayer, inspiration, reading or poem and I include here my poem written for the event "After".
In homes, apartments, shanty towns, cities and rooms
The whole world retreated, a sense of impending doom
Yet mother nature continued her vibrant rhythm of life
Nonplussed, non fussed, bemused at humanity’s strife
Her winds cleared the air, her waters ran clean,
The animals visited places they had never been
The sun continued shining, the earth still turned,
The stars kept twinkling as humanity yearned
For a return to the past, the call to make it swift
Not recognising the opportunity - to pause…. and to shift
The whole wide world appeared set for collision
Yet God had in store a very different vision
Some look back at this time as great reckoning
Others understood the Divine Plan was beckoning
For in the quiet, the stillness and calm
Came the time for reflection and not for alarm
A great collective whisper was gathering pace
It was time to unite and live together in grace
Our souls cried out to STOP, just BREATHE
Be open to listening, and free to receive
For the Spirit world was drawing near
To remind us of the things prized most dear
To reconnect with that within us, our Spiritual core
To know what we need - is less, …and not more
Treasures of gold and glitz, trappings of wealth
Have no true value when compared to our health
Love and kindness, and service - our duty
To recognise that which holds - great spiritual beauty
The mountains, the oceans, the bird song so lyrical
Families and friendship, experiencing life - that is the miracle
Everything animated by the Spark of the Divine
All linked together, always entwined
A return to goodwill, a return to connection
To regard each other with love and affection
To each do our best in thought, word and deed
To see the Divine - no matter the creed
And so it came great celebrations of relief
Yet, for many there remained heartbreak and grief
For those who suffered deeply - for the losses they faced
Forevermore wrapped in the power of Spirit’s healing embrace
Never to be forgotten, their transition not in vain
Our change in direction was the gift of their pain
The year of our great spiritual shift - remembered as 2020
When we found the answers lay within and lessons were aplenty
We took a new path that followed the Divine Architect’s Plan
We finally stood for - and together - The Brotherhood of Man
A period in history which started a new chapter
When our Spirits remembered ……
Our happy ever after